Episode 23 – ENFJ’s, a.k.a. That’s So Extra

Welcome to episode 23, where we introduce a new member of our team and chat with special guest Cassie Jones. Cassie is a photographer and an ENFJ, and you simply must go follow her on Instagram and get lost in her photos that are deep and dark and moody and exquisitely pretty!

Cassie’s wink is the outstanding app Planoly, which allows you to map out your Instagram feed, set reminders for when to post, save groups of hashtags, and so much more. This is a tremendous asset to anyone whose business is visual!

Elisa wants you to follow Celeste Barber on Instagram (but not with your kids looking over you shoulder). She also wants you to start drinking this wine out of a can (you can find the Rose at Trader Joe’s).

Jenn wants everyone (but especially Elisa and producer “Rashida”) to go watch Mean Girls.


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Hi, I'm Elisa. I am a wife and mother and former foster mama and writer and sometime-speaker and friend and daughter and small business co-owner and lover of stories and baker of cookies.

I’m Jenn. I’m married to an awesome guy, and we have four really cute kids. I’ve been called an anglophile. I love books, movies, the piano, and popcorn. And wine. And coffee.


Our intrepid producer Erin, who keeps us organized, inspired, and smiling. She also takes our pictures. We'd basically be lost without her.

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