Episode 21 – ISFP’s, a.k.a. We Get Our Game On

Please join us as we welcome our guest Christian! He is an ISFP, which we discuss for a bit before talking about the real subject of this episode: board games. There’s a little something for everyone in this episode!

A few of the games discussed:


As well as these “gateway” games 🙂 …

Elisa’s Winks & Drinks

The Shining – This is a wink only, not a full-fledged recommendation, because the book is definitely creepy and dark and disturbing. Readers, please use your own discretion. BUT, Elisa can now attest that Stephen King is indeed an excellent storyteller, and she will probably read more from him in the future.

Kirkland Pinot Grigio – Extra points if you caught that this is the same drink Elisa mentioned in episode 20. (insert sheepish emoji)

Christian’s Winks & Drinks

Theft of Swords – Book 1 in the Riyria Revelations series, this is a fun read in historical fantasy.

Dr. Pepper – Christian loves Dr. Pepper so much, he included it on his wedding registry….and received enough to enjoy for his first year of marriage.

Jenn’s Winks & Drinks

Chameleon Cold Brew – With all of the crazy happening in life, Jenn hasn’t had time to concoct any of her crazy coffee beverages, so this has been the go-to shortcut lately! This cold brew is amazingly smooth, and especially yummy when a little of this tasty creamer is added! Definitely consider this if you don’t have time or the equipment to make your own!

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Hi, I'm Elisa. I am a wife and mother and former foster mama and writer and sometime-speaker and friend and daughter and small business co-owner and lover of stories and baker of cookies.

I’m Jenn. I’m married to an awesome guy, and we have four really cute kids. I’ve been called an anglophile. I love books, movies, the piano, and popcorn. And wine. And coffee.


Our intrepid producer Erin, who keeps us organized, inspired, and smiling. She also takes our pictures. We'd basically be lost without her.

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