Bit of Life – Crying

Welcome to this Bit of Life! On this mini-episode, we talk about crying. Sound like a bummer? Never! Tune in, then let us know how you feel about crying.

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  1. Paula Sees

    May 29th, 2018 at 2:26 am

    I’m an ENFJ, and I cry easily but I don’t like it! So I try to avoid situations that might bring that on, or I play games in my mind to try to stave off the tears. Probably a form of mental Illness. 🤪

  2. elisa

    May 30th, 2018 at 4:14 pm

    Haha, definitely not!! Does it make a difference whether you’re alone or around other people?

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Hi, I'm Elisa. I am a wife and mother and former foster mama and writer and sometime-speaker and friend and daughter and small business co-owner and lover of stories and baker of cookies.

I’m Jenn. I’m married to an awesome guy, and we have four really cute kids. I’ve been called an anglophile. I love books, movies, the piano, and popcorn. And wine. And coffee.


Our intrepid producer Erin, who keeps us organized, inspired, and smiling. She also takes our pictures. We'd basically be lost without her.

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