Episode 7 – ENTP’s a.k.a. Baby Teeth Necklaces

todd-watson-headshotThis week we meet Elisa’s husband Todd, who is an ENTP and the CEO of Showit (the incredible website software that allowed us to create this beautiful site). We talk about his love of a challenge and his opinions on a host of issues including, of course, what to do with baby teeth.

Learn more about Showit here, learn more about the United conference here, and register for United Online here.

Jenn’s Drinks & Winks


Smoothies – Go on a worldwide scavenger hunt to round up these ingredients, and then hop over to Jenn’s recipe for her hippie smoothies. And THEN let us know how fabulous you feel!


Kirkland Fruit Snacks – Buy them for the kids, or buy them for you. And let us know what wine YOU pair with fruit snacks…? Also, check out this awesome video on pairing Halloween candy with wine!!

Elisa’s Drinks & Winks


Paddy Devil’s Apple – Have you seen Waking Ned Devine? Find yourself a bottle of Paddy, get the movie queued up on Amazon, and then raise a glass to Ned and his friends. (The Devil’s Apple tastes like Christmas in a cup.)


A Monster Calls – This book is beautiful and strange and very very sad, and I want to know what other people think of it. I read it to my kids, but use caution if you read it to yours. The boy behaves in some angry, disrespectful and sometimes confusing ways, and ***SPOILER ALERT*** the mom does die in the end. My oldest son and I cried as we read the final pages, and had a good discussion afterwards about pain and what that looks like for different people. The movie is coming soon.

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Hi, I'm Elisa. I am a wife and mother and former foster mama and writer and sometime-speaker and friend and daughter and small business co-owner and lover of stories and baker of cookies.

I’m Jenn. I’m married to an awesome guy, and we have four really cute kids. I’ve been called an anglophile. I love books, movies, the piano, and popcorn. And wine. And coffee.


Our intrepid producer Erin, who keeps us organized, inspired, and smiling. She also takes our pictures. We'd basically be lost without her.

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