Episode 2 – Jane Austen

In this second episode, Jenn and Elisa talk about Jane Austen and a surprise caller joins in.



This week’s recommendation from Jenn:


Death Comes To Pemberley – A miniseries that imagines the events that might have followed Pride & Prejudice (it’s available on Netflix!)

This week’s recommendation from Elisa:


Texts From Jane Eyre – If your favorite classic literary characters were millenials with cell phones…this is what their conversations might look like.

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Hi, I'm Elisa. I am a wife and mother and former foster mama and writer and sometime-speaker and friend and daughter and small business co-owner and lover of stories and baker of cookies.

I’m Jenn. I’m married to an awesome guy, and we have four really cute kids. I’ve been called an anglophile. I love books, movies, the piano, and popcorn. And wine. And coffee.


Our intrepid producer Erin, who keeps us organized, inspired, and smiling. She also takes our pictures. We'd basically be lost without her.

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